Episode 22 - Winter Colds

Winter Colds

Most of the time caused by viral infections (no benefit from antibiotics) as opposed to bacterial infections. Symptoms include nasal congestion, headache, sinus pressure, face pain.

Control symptoms with humidifier, nasal washes/rinses, steroid nasal sprays, guaifenesin for thinning of mucous, Tylenol, and time. Often more than 2 weeks to see resolution of symptoms and can be up to 4-6 weeks.

Health Pearl: Try to begin active traditions like a Turkey trot during the holidays. Okay to indulge for 1 day. Be sure to drink water as this helps keep you full. ***Additional information: Prevention is key! Remember to wash your hands often during cold and flu season. Cover your mouth with the bend of your elbow when coughing or sneezing. Stay home from work or school when sick.

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