Episode 1: Purpose of Podcast, Getting to Know Us and Medical Training
Purpose/Mission To educate and inform about health matters affecting adults, from latest research updates to tips to navigate the health system and everything in between.
Lindsey Dahl Bio
Kirsten Juhl Bio
Education Required to become MD
-Four year undergraduate degree: can major in anything as long as the required premed classes are taken
-Medical Degree: 4 Years of Medical School (MD) or DO school (doctor of osteopathy)
Residency Programs: Internal Medicine =3 years, Pediatrics=3, Family Medicine=3, OB/GYN=3, Radiology=5, Surgery=5
Specialty Training: IM residency graduates can choose to do primary care or further specialize Cardiology, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology, geriatrics etc through fellowship training of varying lengths
Internal Medicine is a primary care specialty that focuses on treating adults with multiple chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, COPD, atrial fibrillation
Because there is a shortage of primary care physicians/MDs our health system utilizes team care with Advanced Care Providers which include Nurse Practitioners (RN 4 year training plus 2 additional years for NP degree) and Physician Assistant (4 year undergraduate degree with an additional 2 years clinical and classsroom experience)
Health Pearl: Spiced Chickpea Stew https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1019
Website: www.everythingdoc.com