Episode 12 - The Waterworks for Men

The Waterworks for Men

Guest: Dr. Darin Lang, Internist and Geriatrician at Sanford Health. Trained at Virginia Mason in Seattle and Emory University for Geriatrics in Atlanta. Darin was born and raised in North Dakota. He’s been in his current practice at Sanford Health for 15 years working in outpatient Internal Medicine, nursing home care, and as a hospitalist. He is also the Internal Medicine Department Chair and an associate professor of medicine at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Geriatrics program. Dr. Lang is married and has 3 sons.

BPH = Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Affects older males and is an increase in the number of cells of the prostate, resulting in an enlarged prostate

Symptoms are urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia (waking at night to urinate), hesitancy, straining, slowed stream force, dribbling or obstruction

Alcohol, caffeine, and some over the counter medications can worsen symptoms (especially cold medicines)


Lifestyle changes include avoiding alcohol, caffeine and limiting fluids after evening meal

Medications: alpha blockers such as doxazosin and tamsulosin work quickly. Add on therapy - 5alpha reductase inhibitors (take months to work by shrinking the prostate)

Specialty physicians called Urologists are involved for procedures and more invasive evaluation

Health Pearl: Value of play

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